Today, a good friend of mine posted a photo of a bus stop where there was a UNICEF campaign poster against hunger. Although I have seen several UN campaign posters, this poster made me think about the UN and the people working in the UN system.
UN is an international inter-governmental organization and its budget is based mostly on voluntary governmental contributions. Based on the information given at the UN website, the UN system spends some $15 billion a year, taking into account the United Nations, UN peacekeeping operations, the programmes and funds, and the specialized agencies, but excluding the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). It is also mentioned that among this $15 billion a year, the United Nations and its agencies, funds and programmes - mainly the UN Development Programme, the World Food Programme, the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the UN Population Fund - spend some $10 billion a year on operational activities for development, mostly for economic, social and humanitarian programmes to help the world's poorest countries.
Looking at this information I was also wondering about the overall number of people employed by the UN system. How many? 50,000? 100,000 around the world? In Geneva, which is one of the UN "capitals", there are almost 2,000 employees. I also consulted the information about the UN salary scales which are set on a level basis from the lowest P1 level to the UN Secretary General level.
I give here the gross annual salary in USD for each level and for the first year of employment:
P1: $48,627
P2: $62,856
P3: $77,101
P4: $94,268
P5: $115,134
D1: $139,074
D2: $152,231
ASG: $185,809
USG: $204,391
I was thinking what a big impact the employees of the UN system would have if they gave, each one of them, $1,000. They would have a much bigger impact if they renounced one month P3-average salary ($7,000). The amount of $700 million would be an important sum for the worldwide UN programmes and it would be a strong message that the UN is not only an inter-governmental international organization but also an organization where people take action.
The beginning can take place here in Geneva, the international city, the city of refuge, the city of Human Rights. A UNOGeneva employee fund can be established in order to demonstrate the solidarity of the UN employees here in Geneva toward the poor and the hungry of the world.
UN is an international inter-governmental organization and its budget is based mostly on voluntary governmental contributions. Based on the information given at the UN website, the UN system spends some $15 billion a year, taking into account the United Nations, UN peacekeeping operations, the programmes and funds, and the specialized agencies, but excluding the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). It is also mentioned that among this $15 billion a year, the United Nations and its agencies, funds and programmes - mainly the UN Development Programme, the World Food Programme, the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the UN Population Fund - spend some $10 billion a year on operational activities for development, mostly for economic, social and humanitarian programmes to help the world's poorest countries.
Looking at this information I was also wondering about the overall number of people employed by the UN system. How many? 50,000? 100,000 around the world? In Geneva, which is one of the UN "capitals", there are almost 2,000 employees. I also consulted the information about the UN salary scales which are set on a level basis from the lowest P1 level to the UN Secretary General level.
I give here the gross annual salary in USD for each level and for the first year of employment:
P1: $48,627
P2: $62,856
P3: $77,101
P4: $94,268
P5: $115,134
D1: $139,074
D2: $152,231
ASG: $185,809
USG: $204,391
I was thinking what a big impact the employees of the UN system would have if they gave, each one of them, $1,000. They would have a much bigger impact if they renounced one month P3-average salary ($7,000). The amount of $700 million would be an important sum for the worldwide UN programmes and it would be a strong message that the UN is not only an inter-governmental international organization but also an organization where people take action.
The beginning can take place here in Geneva, the international city, the city of refuge, the city of Human Rights. A UNOGeneva employee fund can be established in order to demonstrate the solidarity of the UN employees here in Geneva toward the poor and the hungry of the world.
Είναι γεγονός πως πολλά από τα χρήματα των οργανισμών ξοδεύονται στη διοίκηση. Αν επίσης υπολογίσεις πως μέρος της βοήθειας λεηλατείται από τους φύλαρχους και περνάει στη μαύρη αγορά, καταλαβαίνεις πως ένα σχετικά μικρό ποστό των χρημάτων φτάνει στα χέρια που το χρειάζονται.
Κάνοντας με σύγκριση με τους ΓχΣ στην Ελλάδα οι οποίοι δημοσιεύουν τα ακριβή στοιχεία ( βλέπουμε πως μόνο το 59% των δωρεών υλοιποιείται σε προγράμματα. Τα υπόλοιπα είναι διοικητικά overheads.
Φυσικά το 59% είναι αισιόδοξο, φαντάζομαι αλλού τα πράγματα είναι χειρότερα.
This is a great idea Damianos! Perhaps the next step would be to determine what sort of body would administer the fund and how would it be set up...
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